Please drag & drop your files into the box below or click on SELECT FILE(S). If you need to group files, remember to enter a Group Name. When ready to upload click on UPLOAD FILE(S). The progress bars will reflect each file & the overall progress. The File Uploader works on all platforms & devices.
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="uploads" fitmode="responsive" resetmode="onsuccess" captcha="false" createpath="false" duplicatespolicy="maintain both" uniquepattern="datetimestamp" uploadtitle="Upload file(s) or Drag 'n' Drop file(s) to box below." selectbutton="Select File(s)/Select File(s)" uploadbutton="Upload File(s)/Upload File(s)" requiredlabel="(required)" notify="true" notifyrecipients="" notifysubject="SSM File Uploader Notification" notifymessage="%userdata1%%n%%userdata2%%n%%userdata3%%n%%userdata4%" widths="filename:300px, filelist:350px, progressbar:350px" userdata="true" userdatalabel="Business|t:text|s:left|r:1|a:1|p:none|d:/Name|t:text|s:left|r:1|a:1|p:none|d:/Email|t:email|s:left|r:1|a:1|v:1|p:none|d:|g:0/Group Name|t:text|s:left|r:0|a:1|p:none|d:" dropbox="true" dropboxpath="Striped Shirt Media/Uploads/%userdata1%-%userdata2%-%userdata4%" dropboxlocal="delete"]
Drag ‘n’ Drop or Tap/Click the camera icon to add files. Files will start uploading automatically.
A green-filled circle confirms a successfully uploaded file. Thank you.