Please drag & drop your files into the box below or click on SELECT FILE(S). If you need to group files, remember to enter a Group Name. When ready to upload click on UPLOAD FILE(S). The progress bars will reflect each file & the overall progress. The File Uploader works on all platforms & devices. 

[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="uploads" fitmode="responsive" resetmode="onsuccess" captcha="false" createpath="false" duplicatespolicy="maintain both" uniquepattern="datetimestamp" uploadtitle="Upload file(s) or Drag 'n' Drop file(s) to box below." selectbutton="Select File(s)/Select File(s)" uploadbutton="Upload File(s)/Upload File(s)" requiredlabel="(required)" notify="true" notifyrecipients="" notifysubject="SSM File Uploader Notification" notifymessage="%userdata1%%n%%userdata2%%n%%userdata3%%n%%userdata4%" widths="filename:300px, filelist:350px, progressbar:350px" userdata="true" userdatalabel="Business|t:text|s:left|r:1|a:1|p:none|d:/Name|t:text|s:left|r:1|a:1|p:none|d:/Email|t:email|s:left|r:1|a:1|v:1|p:none|d:|g:0/Group Name|t:text|s:left|r:0|a:1|p:none|d:" dropbox="true" dropboxpath="Striped Shirt Media/Uploads/%userdata1%-%userdata2%-%userdata4%" dropboxlocal="delete"]

Drag ‘n’ Drop or Tap/Click the camera icon to add files. Files will start uploading automatically. 

A green-filled circle confirms a successfully uploaded file. Thank you.

Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
Adobe Photoshop Document (.psd)
Apple QuickTime Movie (.mov)
Architecture Design Format (.dwg)
Audio Video Interleave File (.avi)
Comma Separated Values File (.csv)
Compressed File (.rar)
Compressed File (.zip)
Drawing Exchange Format (.dxf)
Encapsulated PostScript (.eps)
Excel Spreadsheet (.xls)
Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)
Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (.xlsx)
Microsoft Word Document (.doc)
Microsoft Word Open XML Document (.docx)
MIDI File (.mid)
MP3 Audio File (.mp3)
MPEG Video File (.mpg)
MPEG-4 Audio File (.m4a)
MPEG-4 Video File (.mp4)
Portable Document Format File (.pdf)
Portable Network Graphic (.png)
PowerPoint Open XML Presentation (.pptx)
PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt)
Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
Tagged Image File Format (.tif)
WAVE Audio File (.wav)
Windows Media Audio File (.wma)
Windows Media Video File (.wmv)
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